Our school runs on a semester long program. Students are expected to continue lessons for the entire semester and will be automatically enrolled in the Spring semester, unless cancelation notice is given. This will reserve your child’s lesson time during the school year. Lesson days, vacations, holidays, are all detailed on the calendar. You will receive a reminder 24 hrs prior to each lesson. If you are late, you will be given only the remaining portion of your time. Your lesson time is reserved exclusively for you.
Student Make-up Policy: 1. One make-up guaranteed per semester (for illness or 24hr notice given) for students. 2. If there is extended/multiple illness, or a minimum of 2 weeks notice is given for a school related conflict, the office will try to swap with another student. If a swap cannot be made, we will put them on a "waiting" list for makeups (meaning if there is a hole in the teacher's schedule, we will offer to put them in - this is not guaranteed, but effort will be made to help). Example: 5:30pm student cancels on the same day for personal reason, the office will call the waitlisted family to offer them the spot. Conflicts that are personal (birthday party, vacation, etc would fall under makeup policy #1, unless the office is able to help make switches that don't affect teachers teaching time) 3. For family emergencies (death in the family, extreme illness, broken arm, etc) it is a case by case basis. Compassion and understanding for our families is paramount, and we will work together as a team to help them through the challenging time. (ie. a student breaks an arm, classes need to be canceled then resume 2 months later). The office will work to help minimize the impact to the teacher’s schedule for these extreme cases. 4. Makeups must be completed in the semester of the absence. Student absences cannot be credited or refunded. "No shows" will not be rescheduled or refunded. Your lesson time is reserved exclusively for you. Our teachers also make a semester long commitments to teach your child. Occasionally, they will provide advance notice of a professional conflict, and we will work to either reschedule the lesson or another one of our faculty will teach in their place. Advanced notice will be given. If a teacher is ill, the same protocol will be followed.
Illness: Please do not attend lessons when ill. Students and parents attending in-person lessons when ill will be sent home immediately. This decision will be at the discretion of the teacher. No makeup lessons will be given in this situation. Please remember, learning does not happen when you or your child is sick, and it is not a good experience for your child. Please do not pass on contagious illnesses to us and all the other students and families in the School. The health and safety of everyone is of primary importance. If the student is well enough for learning, a Zoom class can be scheduled during the regular lesson time.
Group Classes: Student absences cannot be credited or refunded. Parents are welcome to attend all group classes. For Suzuki group classes, parental attendance is required. In the event that a group class falls below a minimum sustainable participant number, respective families will receive a full refund for scheduled classes which were not provided.
Payments: Payments are due 14 days after invoices are sent. A late fee of $25 will be assessed for payments made after this time. Terminating lessons or group classes: Our general policy and philosophy is to have all students make a commitment of a full semester. We feel this provides the stability and personal commitment on the part of the teacher, student and parents to be conducive for a more successful musical outcome. However, we understand that there can be extenuating circumstances, which prevent the student’s ability to continue (family emergency, serious illness, etc). We do require a 30-day written notice to consider a refund. The student is financially responsible for the lessons that occur during the 30 days from which the date notice is given, even if the student chooses not to attend the class. The annual registration fee for new families is $35 and non-refundable. Students are responsible for lessons they have missed, and those lessons will not be refunded. We offer two payment options: 1. Full Payment for the semester and 2. a payment plan. Please contact us for more details!
Performance Opportunities: Performing is an essential part of the learning process, and what music is fundamentally about - sharing with others through music. Throughout the course of the year, the Paganini School of Music will offer opportunities for students to perform for the community, and their family and friends.
Practice: Learning a musical instrument is like learning a sport. It takes regular and consistent practice to become proficient. The instruction your child receives at our school will be augmented by the effort that is put in at home. A good rule of thumb, is if you are taking a 30min lesson, you would be practicing 30 minutes each day at home - 60min lesson = 60 min of practicing a day, etc.
Inclement Weather: In case of inclement weather, visit the Paganini School of Music webpage or call/txt the office at 281-369-7609. The Paganini School follows the inclement weather policy of Katy ISD. Please listen to local TV and radio broadcasts for information about closings. When bad weather develops during the afternoon, the Paganini School of Music reserves the right to cancel classes for the remainder of the day.
Safety: Your child’s safety is our priority. Please adhere to all policies and procedures to insure a safe environment. No child under the age of 12 (whether student or sibling) may be left without adult supervision in the hallways or other areas of the Paganini School of Music or Sam's Strings Violin Shop. Students under the age of 12 must be dropped off and picked up at the lesson room by an adult or authorized sibling over the age of 16. The Paganini School of Music has limited area for waiting during your child's lesson, enough room for 1- 2 people per student taking a private lesson. We ask that family members wait quietly in the assigned area while their child is taking a lesson. Parents of students under 16 years old who are taking private lessons can choose to attend the lesson at the teacher’s discretion. Parents whose children are attending a group class and who would like to watch are asked to wait in the Parlor Room, while their student are in the class. Please put your cell phone on silent! All teachers will have completed a background and security check. In addition, each teaching room has a security camera for both the teacher's and child's safety.
Grievance Procedure: It is our passion to teach, we take it very seriously. It is also one of our goals to meet the expectations of our students. If you feel that a situation is not being properly addressed, please contact Sam Matthews, the Paganini School of Music director at 281-769-3609 immediately. If possible, please put your concerns in writing. The Paganini School of Music is dedicated to making sure your student has a quality and rewarding experience.
Photography Rights: The Paganini School of Music reserves the right to use photos and videos taken in classes and at school events for promotional materials, unless otherwise denial is put in writing upon registration.
Liability Waiver: I assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself and (if applicable) my family members, and further release and discharge Sam's Strings LLC (dba Paganini School of Music) for injury, loss or damage arising out of my or my family's use of or presence upon the facilities of Sam's Strings LLC, whether caused by the fault of myself, my family, Sam's Strings LLC or other third parties. I hereby release the Sam's Strings LLC and its employees and agents from claims, liabilities, and causes of action for losses, damages, illnesses (including transmission of COVID-19), and injuries. I agree to indemnify and defend Sam's Strings LLC against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my or my family's use of or presence upon the facilities of Sam's Strings LLC. For my children under 18 years of age: I, the undersigned, am the parent/legal guardian of the individual(s) named below and I have read this release and approve of its terms.
revised 10/13/23